MemDB; simple, fast and pure Javascript in memory database for Node JS.

This lightweight engine can be used in place of things like LevelDB, Redis while keeping things light and very simple. Internaly, memDB uses json as storage format with an opt-in support for encryption.

In order to achieve performance, memdb keeps things in a staging area for fast access. No worries, every booking is handled for you :). We are developers too, thus we hate keeping tract of things.

Quick start

const MemDB = require('memdb')
const db = new MemDB('_starwars', {encryptionKey: 'secret'}) 

db.put('skywalker', {
    force: 'light',
    name: 'Luke Skywalker'
}).then((status) => {
  console.log(status) // => true

db.get('skywalker').then((rsp) => {
  console.log(rps) // => [Object skywalker...]

MemDB’s API is pretty simple and straigth forward. all async action api return a promise.

NB: What the heck is keychain ? keychain is a concatenation of multiple object keys to obtain a path for acessing an object property in a deep level. This is a convenient way of puting/getting deeply nestes object properties. The folowing keychain means accessing the host property form dev object which is in turn available in the server object as a property.

For more information, please head over MemDB